about me

This logo really screams “me”

As I was setting up this blog, I mentioned to my husband Rocky (Bionicrocky, AKA “Mr. SaaSyBroad”) that it would be really cool to have a logo. So of course, Rocky being who he is, he immediately hopped on Tailor Brands and started making a custom logo for me! This quickly proved to be more difficult than either of us thought it would be, even though Tailor Brands has a really cool interface and makes it easy to create a custom logo. The problem? It feels next to impossible to summarize myself as an icon or short phrase.

“SaaSyBroad” is me, Desiree Gregory. I am a Software-as-a-Service “SaaS” Customer Support Manager. I care deeply about my work, my customers, and my team. You might even say I love them. At the same time, it sometimes takes a little sass to work in SaaS. Hence, the name. But a logo? Tailor Brands (and Bionicrocky!) helped by showing me lots of options in their little logo wizard, but in the end, I had to decide. Here’s what I chose:dark_logo_transparent_background

Pretty great, I think.

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